Monday, 18 April 2016

How do entrepreneurs achieve success ?

By hard work, perseverance and by staying totally focused on goals. This should be so regardless of what kind of conflicting advice they get from different people.
Advice can fall into two categories. One is the kind that is beneficial for the business – the other is not so. In fact the other type can prove harmful also.
It is ultimately the entrepreneur who has to decide which advice to follow. He has to remain focused on what he is trying to do and work accordingly. Even when people are trying to take him in the opposite direction, he has to think clearly and objectively and target his objectives.
It is not that they should ignore the suggestions of others. There might be some good in what they tell him. SO the trick is to hear everybody out, see what is helpful for the business and adopt that part of the advice. The entrepreneur knows his business best so only he can have the knowledge and the maturity  to decide  what to do. But he should do so by looking at all possible angles, even the ones he had not considered before they were suggested to him by his advisors.
How do entrepreneurs stay focused? Firstly they need to have a clear set of objectives, a well thought out detailed plan that will specify what needs to be done, how, when and by whom. This should be the starting point and should not be changed in any way that affects its viability or efficiency.
Secondly, they should stay calm and rational at all times. They should not let emotions and personal feelings to cloud business decisions.
Thirdly, they should set their own standards and goals and strive to achieve them without comparing themselves to others in a negative light.
Finally they should accept failures as a part of the journey to success. Failures should spur them on to do better not discourage them.
So as long as you as an entrepreneur, stay calm, collected, logical and focused, you will make a success of your business and your life.

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