Monday, 18 April 2016

Formula to grow rich

This is the formula to grow rich – give more value to people in less time and increase your revenue. In my experience the effort put in is the same whether I earn Rs 10,000 or Rs 10,00,000 a month. The difference is what I think about the effort put in. And this change in my way of thinking has taken me to the heights I have reached today. This learning didn’t come on the first day or even the first year that I started working. It took time but the day I realized that I needed to concentrate on the nature of my efforts rather than the amount of effort, I knew I had found the path to financial freedom.
The question that I needed to answer in order to acquire lots of money was this : ‘How can I deliver more value to people in less time?’ There are three elements in play here : more value, more people and less time. So let’s look at each element separately and see how we answer this question.
  1. How can you provide more value to people? Basically this means how can I give greater service for the same price? The answer is simple – give a little extra, do a little more than you are expected to, exchange a greeting, ask about the family, take on a little more work-load to offer satisfaction plus to your clients. The result will be positive as the quality of your offered service goes up.
  2. How do you reach more people ? Thanks to technology, this is a cake-walk today. Harness technology and increase the number of people you reach and the frequency with which you connect with them.
  3. How do you give more value to more people in less time ? The most difficult element but not undoable. Think and work out faster ways of doing all that needs to be done. If you do something in an hour, see how you can do it in say 45 minutes, without compromising on the quality of what you provide.
Once you achieve all this, you never have to worry again about accumulating riches and becoming as wealthy as you desire.

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