Thursday, 30 June 2016

Mechanical, fast paced lifestyle

The simpler we keep things, the more manageable they are. However we have a tendency to complicate matters, partly because we are not fully informed and partly because modern technology has led to a mechanical, fast paced lifestyle. We have become like machines, and thus lead an automatic, monotonous life. We react to things in a fixed manner. There is no enthusiasm in our lives. It is an endless, boring path. We need to get out of this rut, garner more knowledge in order to grow and evolve. We have to organize our lives and proceed in a way that is conducive to growth and development.
Learning should start from childhood, from the elementary level – not when we are adults and have started working. We all strive for happiness, all our lives. But many of us feel we are not happy once we are grown up. If we are not happy we are definitely not doing the right things. Why does this happen?

When the pressures on us get too much
We are unhappy when the pressures on us get too much, when we have too much to do and not enough time to do it in, when we take on something that may look too difficult or beyond our capability. All this increases our levels of tension and anxiety. At such times, we need to take a step back, we need to learn to analyze the situation, take steps to resolve it and then move ahead. We have to take things easy – one step at a time.
We are the masters of our destiny – we control our lives. So if we have faith and accept our circumstances we will get past the negatives. If we forgive the wrongs of others we liberate ourselves. Keep things simple, even relationships.
A simple life brings clarity – be truthful and look for the bigger picture. Avoid the niggling little negatives. This will set you free to live by your principles and live in hope. Be open to new experiences and challenges, surround yourself with people with positive attitude who encourage and motivate and nurture you, don’t over analyze, have faith in yourself and you will be happy and free of stress.

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Troubled times make your life worthwhile

Life is not simple. Life is not easy. It is complex and takes us through many problems and difficult times. But it is these troubled times that makes the journey of life worthwhile. Life lets us explore and experience a gamut of emotions and feelings and keeps it interesting. Difficult times happen, not to pull us down, not to demotivate and upset us, but instead to teach us to become stronger. If we have faith then things work out for us. Thus we all need to understand and value the power of faith.
What is faith? It is a feeling, a belief that has to be experienced from within. It is an inner belief, a deep trust and confidence that things will work out, that they will get better, that we will emerge from chaos into light. Faith is belief in God, or a spiritual entity. When you have faith you place your trust in an invisible super power that you know controls our lives. You are totally confident and sure that this power will help you through the bad times and make things right for you. This spiritual entity has different names and forms depending on each individual, but its benevolent power remains the same.

Overcome these situations and moved ahead
Faith is very powerful. If you look back at your life, you will see that you have had a fair amount of negative occurrences, unhappy events, bad things happening to you. But you will also see that you have overcome these situations and moved ahead. The reason is that the faith you have helps you through these times. Faith reassures you that an unpleasant today will change to a good tomorrow so you can trying to make things better. You stay positive and grounded in your attitude and that helps you face any trouble that you have to confront.
There is no life without faith. Faith keeps you from sliding into depression, faith helps you work towards your dreams in life, faith in the Supreme One helps you stay focused, faith keeps you motivated, faith ensures that you never give up, faith enables you to get up after every fall and move forward towards your life’s go

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Inspiration and new ideas drive entrepreneurs

Inspiration and new ideas drive entrepreneurs. It is not necessary to have a grand new idea to start a business nor is there any place you can go to in order to look for inspiration. If you are serious about starting something, you will see that inspiration can come from any of many places and your idea will succeed if you are truly committed to it. If you have faith in your ideas, you will succeed against all odds.
There is no fixed time for inspiration to hit you. It can happen at any time, in any place. It will come when you need it most. It is only when you have no ideas and no inspiration that you know that you are in a bad place in your business. Lack of funding, poor market response, product features that do not work, uncomfortable work stations, etc  - are bad situations to be in but not as bad as if you have no inspiration at all.

Seemingly crazy ideas
Faced with problems your brain might come up with seemingly crazy ideas – do not ignore or dismiss them. They could be what pulls you back from the brink of failure. Desperate times call for desperate measures and your weird idea may be the way out of trouble into success. Your first idea may not work, so follow the next or the next – trust your instincts and go with what you feel is right.
We work better under pressure – when the walls are closing in around us, when we see we have no other options – be it submitting a term paper or preparing a presentation for the boss. When forced with extreme conditions, the mind is ready to take risks and so it comes up with ideas that are more focused and more likely to do well. This may well lead to success and the rewards of success.
Failure is a great motivator. It gives you the chance to rethink and work towards an alternate, better outcome. Failure will happen to any entrepreneur – don’t complain about it; use it generate new ideas  and to find other ways of doing business that will take you towards success.

Monday, 27 June 2016

Success is not something that just happens

Success is not something that just happens – it requires hard work, perseverance, brainstorming, mistakes, foresight and a fair amount of innovative ideas and innovations themselves. Human beings desire success in all situations – they want to win whatever they do. Winning is success in their eyes and that is what they all want. They hate losing whether at work or at home or in social situations. Losing equals failure which is not desired by anyone. People who succeed usually have some innovative idea or plan that enables them to win – in that sense they are different from those who fall behind.
The world we live in is replete with deadlines and meetings and competition. It is fast-paced and full of technology that keeps developing at a faster rate. Only the best and the fittest get to the top – while everyone has talent and capability and enthusiasm and ambition to be the winner, not everyone can reach the final goal-post. What makes one person more successful is the amount of innovation that he brings into his thinking and his actions.

Small, little noticed ideas
Where everyone is fighting for a piece of the same pie, what is the kind of innovation that can take a person to success? It does not have to be big or out of the ordinary. It can be small, little noticed ideas and actions that have the capacity to change the way people work and make their actions more effective – for example, making the workplace more comfortable and congenial to work in, implementing simple short cuts to work, new ideas or even modification of old ones to attract more customers. When these little ideas are appreciated and acknowledged, it provides motivation to the person who thought of them and encourages them to work better.
Usually people do not just dream of new ideas and effective innovations that will help them succeed. It requires hard work, research, calculations and a lot of sacrifice – even sacrifice of your personal life - to come up with good innovative ideas. The only thing that you should allow to interfere with your innovative ideas is another innovative idea. So never interrupt somebody’s innovative ideas unless you have a potentially better idea that can take you and your company to the to

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Success does not happen overnight

Every businessman wants his new venture to grow and flourish. Success does not happen overnight – it takes time, patience, loads of hard work, sacrifices and financial support. In spite of all these some businesses still fail, others struggle and some do well. What marks the ones that do not do well? Why do they fail?
It could be a combination of many factors - lack of clear vision, low level of commitment, unwise business decisions, poor financial management, mediocre time management, , poor monitoring of market performance, weak personnel practices, failure to delegate, lack of trust and weak leadership, giving up too soon etc.
Stagnation in thought and action
Or it could be because there is a stagnation in thought and action. If initially planned strategies do not work out, it is necessary to determine the reasons for it and then plan another course of action. You have to honor your commitment to your business and build it up – discard ideas that don’t work,  think up new ways of doing things, fire people who are not committed, change your approach to business, get in people who are motivated and innovative – do whatever you need to get the business up and running. You have to act and move, not sit and whine or hope your fairy godmother will wave a magic wand and help your business to succeed.
Change the circumstances
If the circumstances are not right for your business, change the circumstances, change the scenario. If nothing works in spite of your best efforts, maybe you should think of a new line of business. If it’s a better option, then change your priorities, change your goals, change your product-mix, change your advertising, change your HR policies. Adapt to the environment around you. You do not have the luxury of standing still – that way you will only stagnate, not grow.
If you do not change, your business will die. So change because that is what your business needs in order to survive and grow and do well. Change is good even if it has to be brutal at times. Do not let fear and uncertainty stop you from implementing change. Be bold, create uncertainty in the market, challenge your competitors and your employees and take your business to greater heig