Friday, 3 June 2016

Habit of throwing all the negatives

As we grow up, we learn a lot of things; we also go through a lot of experiences some of which teach us positive lessons while some others leave us with learning that are not so pleasant. Our memories of our experiences shape our attitudes and perceptions. Hence it is wisest to leave the negative memories out so that they do not cast a shadow over your future.
You should make a habit of throwing all the negatives precedents away since they make you feel incapable, insignificant, useless or worthless. Anything that makes you feel bad about yourself, that negatively affects your confidence and self-esteem should be discarded from your mind and not allowed to enter your present.
The past is the past – it can teach you when it makes you feel good and motivated. But if it does not do so, take the lessons from it and move on. Do not let it control you. Go with the flow and learn the good things. Don’t expect the future to be identical with the past – it will be different because you can determine what to make of your future with your actions in the present.
In order to get away from the negativities of the past, you can use these techniques:
·         Tell yourself that you are what you want yourself to be. Push away the negative memories and try to make yourself happy and motivated.
·         Look upon past negative experiences as a blessing that guides you on what you should not repeat in the present or the future.
·         Be happy because happiness will give you hope. It will shape your beliefs and make you realise that bad thing happen but they end.
So be optimistic, learn from your experiences, and be what and who you want to be. You will be a total winner.

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