Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Troubled times make your life worthwhile

Life is not simple. Life is not easy. It is complex and takes us through many problems and difficult times. But it is these troubled times that makes the journey of life worthwhile. Life lets us explore and experience a gamut of emotions and feelings and keeps it interesting. Difficult times happen, not to pull us down, not to demotivate and upset us, but instead to teach us to become stronger. If we have faith then things work out for us. Thus we all need to understand and value the power of faith.
What is faith? It is a feeling, a belief that has to be experienced from within. It is an inner belief, a deep trust and confidence that things will work out, that they will get better, that we will emerge from chaos into light. Faith is belief in God, or a spiritual entity. When you have faith you place your trust in an invisible super power that you know controls our lives. You are totally confident and sure that this power will help you through the bad times and make things right for you. This spiritual entity has different names and forms depending on each individual, but its benevolent power remains the same.

Overcome these situations and moved ahead
Faith is very powerful. If you look back at your life, you will see that you have had a fair amount of negative occurrences, unhappy events, bad things happening to you. But you will also see that you have overcome these situations and moved ahead. The reason is that the faith you have helps you through these times. Faith reassures you that an unpleasant today will change to a good tomorrow so you can trying to make things better. You stay positive and grounded in your attitude and that helps you face any trouble that you have to confront.
There is no life without faith. Faith keeps you from sliding into depression, faith helps you work towards your dreams in life, faith in the Supreme One helps you stay focused, faith keeps you motivated, faith ensures that you never give up, faith enables you to get up after every fall and move forward towards your life’s go

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