Monday, 27 June 2016

Success is not something that just happens

Success is not something that just happens – it requires hard work, perseverance, brainstorming, mistakes, foresight and a fair amount of innovative ideas and innovations themselves. Human beings desire success in all situations – they want to win whatever they do. Winning is success in their eyes and that is what they all want. They hate losing whether at work or at home or in social situations. Losing equals failure which is not desired by anyone. People who succeed usually have some innovative idea or plan that enables them to win – in that sense they are different from those who fall behind.
The world we live in is replete with deadlines and meetings and competition. It is fast-paced and full of technology that keeps developing at a faster rate. Only the best and the fittest get to the top – while everyone has talent and capability and enthusiasm and ambition to be the winner, not everyone can reach the final goal-post. What makes one person more successful is the amount of innovation that he brings into his thinking and his actions.

Small, little noticed ideas
Where everyone is fighting for a piece of the same pie, what is the kind of innovation that can take a person to success? It does not have to be big or out of the ordinary. It can be small, little noticed ideas and actions that have the capacity to change the way people work and make their actions more effective – for example, making the workplace more comfortable and congenial to work in, implementing simple short cuts to work, new ideas or even modification of old ones to attract more customers. When these little ideas are appreciated and acknowledged, it provides motivation to the person who thought of them and encourages them to work better.
Usually people do not just dream of new ideas and effective innovations that will help them succeed. It requires hard work, research, calculations and a lot of sacrifice – even sacrifice of your personal life - to come up with good innovative ideas. The only thing that you should allow to interfere with your innovative ideas is another innovative idea. So never interrupt somebody’s innovative ideas unless you have a potentially better idea that can take you and your company to the to

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