Monday, 16 May 2016

Culture once established is difficult to change

Business defines organizational culture as “the values and behaviours that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization…..includes organisation’s expectations, experiences, philosophy and values that hold it together……based on shared attitudes, beliefs, customs, written and unwritten rules that have been developed over time and are considered valid.”
Culture once established  is difficult to change and wisdom and experience say it should not be changed in a hurry either. Research into organizations have shown that companies with a strong culture have a stronger market presence, greater RoI, higher profits and larger market capitalizations vis-à-vis companies that have a shifting culture. They have greater positive interaction between employees who are more motivated and committed towards organisational goals. There is greater creativity, more innovation, less turnover and hence higher productivity, better quality of products and services and a loyal, dedicated work force.

Backbone of the organization
Culture is the backbone of the organization and it originates from its people. Their behavior, outlook, mind-set, standpoints define culture and set norms for newcomers to understand, follow and internalize. The standards are set by the leadership of the organization and it flows from the leaders to all employees in all levels of the company.
Culture comprises various elements – the attire, behavior, thinking and manners of employees, the way the office is laid out viz open offices vs closed cabins, the recruitment and training/induction procedures for new employees, the ethics, values inculcated in people in the organization and their commitment to the mission and vision of the company.

Nurture and maintain
While the leader/s define the culture by their thinking and actions, it is the employees who have to nurture and maintain this across the organization and across time. They need to follow the examples set by their leaders and inculcate the same values in their juniors and newcomers.
It is not easy building organizational culture but in its absence the company has no foundation to stand on. It is the role of the leader to develop this culture and ensure that is adopted by all within the company so as to ensure business success.

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