Monday, 16 May 2016

Mistakes are part of life

Mistakes are a part and parcel of life. They happen to everybody. It is natural to make mistakes but we need to look at mistakes positively and learn from them. Mistakes can tell us where we have gone wrong and help us do right the next time. Each mistake can be a stepping stone to success.
You should not ignore your mistakes. Rather you should take them head-on and move beyond them. Do not carry your past mistakes into the present. They cannot be undone so there is no point beating yourself up over them. Get over them.
Mistakes can never be hidden. You cannot fool yourself into believing they never happened. In addition your own guilty conscience will let the secret out at some time or the other. And if even one person gets to know about your mistakes, word will spread and it will become public knowledge. As a result you will lose the respect and trust of people.

Admit to yourself
The most sensible thing to do is to admit that you have made a mistake – to yourself and to others. It is not a crime to make a mistake but hiding it may be harmful to someone. Similarly even if you are worried about being caught, it is wise to own up to your mistakes. Don’t hide them – if you do, you are just shirking your duty and your responsibility. You are accountable for your mistakes as much as for your good deeds. So accept them.
Do not waste your time and energy making excuses or feeling sorry for yourself. It does not serve any purpose. See mistakes as a chance to learn and find new pathways to grow and to handle things.
Mistakes are good for you. They enable you to learn and improve. They build character, increase your knowledge, develop your skills and abilities, open your mind. You gain experience from your mistakes and you become a more mature person. Mistakes are the milestones on your journey through life. So welcome them with open arms and use them to become a better person.

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