Tuesday, 17 May 2016

It is okay to make mistakes

As humans, we all make mistakes. It is okay to make mistakes. And it is okay to react to the mistakes we made – all this normal human behavior. But how we deal with the mistakes we make, is what separates one person from another. But where we can be better than the next person is to learn from our mistakes and go beyond them to other better things. 

You are not alone
When you make your first mistake in business, it is normal to feel upset and worried and lose sleep over it. But do not get too hassled about it. Do not let your anxiety lead you to depression and unhappiness. You are not alone, every successful person has made at least one mistake sometime in their life and it has taught them many useful life lessons. So get out of your bad mood. You have not done anything thousands of others have not done before you.
The sensible thing to do is not to cry over your mistake, but to treat it as a learning experience. See what went wrong, figure out how to avoid these problems the next time round and move on. Only you can decide what to do at this stage.

Acknowledging your mistake
Accepting and acknowledging your mistake is the first step in learning. Your mistakes and how you react to them makes you the person you are – if you learn from them and do better next time, it makes you a wiser and bigger person. If you do not accept your mistakes you cannot move forward. You stagnate. Personally and professionally. You need to have the courage and strength to swallow your pride and acknowledge where you have gone wrong. This will help you evolve every which way. Do not make excuses or keep arguing about your mistakes – just internalize them and grow beyond the present.
Do not pass on the blame for your mistake onto someone else. Take responsibility for your actions. It will help you to become better at what you are doing, it will earn you the respect of those around you and help you grow.

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