order to become rich and successful you have to deliver value to people around
you. This may sound strange but it works. If you think back to your own life
you will see that you have been putting in the same amount of effort whether
you were earning Rs 10,000 a month or Rs 10 lakhs. Your efforts have stayed the
same but what has changed is how you look at your efforts.
has been true in my life – I discovered the secret of getting rich only when I
started thinking about the nature of my efforts rather than the ‘amount’ the
effort I was putting in. And I started thinking about how to give more to value
in less time. Thus there are three parts in my formula for getting rich and
becoming successful – providing greater value, benefitting more people and finally
doing it in less time. Let us look at each element separately:
How do I provide more value?
other words how do I up the service to other people? The answer is to do a
little more, a little extra. Go beyond your job and offer to help someone out
with their tasks. Make a suggestion to improve work conditions or build a
personal rapport with your subordinate. This extra bit will always be
appreciated and it will add value to what you are doing.
How do I benefit more people?
more people through the phone, mobile, email, internet, social media et al. Get
in touch with as many people as you know and then some more. Contact them often
and you will find your reach increasing steadily.
How do I provide greater value to more people in less time ?
You are reaching more
people and giving better quality and value service. Now how do you do it in the
least time possible? It is not easy but it can be done. It has to be done
because this will actually increase your productivity and efficiency. Keep working
on trying to finish work faster – but without compromising the quality. How you
do it is dependent on your style of working, the working conditions etc. But
keep reminding yourself that you need to do it. Make it a habit to do every
work faster and gradually it will be easier and easier to do. And when you
accomplish this you are ell on your way to success.
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