Wednesday, 6 July 2016

The positives and negatives of life balance out

Life is not a continuous journey of happiness. Nor is it a path full of only sorrows. It is a combination of both. The positives and negatives of life balance out in the end and we should realise that the good and the bad are just two sides of the same coin and we need to value both and accept both as a necessary part of life. The positives give us joy and happiness and encouragement and other good things while the negatives tech us lessons we cannot learn from the good. Joy without sorrow, success without defeat and health without illness does not give us full appreciation of the good. We need to encounter the bad in order to savor the good.
These opposing forces of good and bad help us learn life lessons which help us in our journey through life. If we handle our troubles correctly we can change them something positive and good. If our plans fail, we can sit and work out new plans that do better. So all the problems and difficulties we face, prepare us to become better and nicer. It is only through sorrow that we can learn about happiness and it is pain and turmoil that leads us to peace ad calm.

Both phases are temporary
When we are down and out, we ask “why me?” But when we are happy and successful we take it for granted. We don’t wonder why we have been blessed. But we need to understand that every happiness is balanced by sorrow and every sorrow will lead to happiness. Both phases are temporary – they will both pass. If we allow sadness to defeat us, it will. But if we use the sorrow and pain to look for ways to better our situation, we can resolve problems and go ahead. Troubles give us the energy to start afresh. So make use of this energy, nurture it, get strength and hope from it and use it to take you to a happier and better phase in your life.
When one door closes, another opens in its place – this is a maxim of life. So through every troubled period in your life, overcome the obstacles, fight the wrongs, get past the suffering and reach joy, happiness and peace.

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