Wednesday, 20 July 2016

You have to be ready to take risks

If you want to succeed in life or in business, you have to be ready to take risks. Not taking a risk is actually a risk. You have to take a chance and do something unconventional in order to go ahead. However risks are not always guaranteed to lead to success. You need to do your research, look at all options, be clear about your objectives and vision and strategy and then take a calculated risk. It is not a leap in the dark – it has to be based on something solid and you have to take the correct risks to arrive at the desired outcome. A well thought out risk-plan will help you cross obstacles and earn better returns.
Do something that others are not doing
Take the unconventional route to success. Most people are risk averse and prefer to go for the standard type of jobs rather than doing something that reflects their personality or their interests or their skill. Hence they turn a blind eye to the unconventional which can be risky but which may suit them better.
Stop copying others. Be yourself, do something that others are not doing, be different and do your bit with passion and concentration. Focus on your tasks, grow your capability, develop your skills and go ahead. Let others do their thing, you don’t have to compete. Be original and different and become successful.
Use your success and your skills to bargain
Don’t let your bosses or your peers take you for granted. When you start doing well, they will realise your value and try to take advantage – don’t let them. Use your success and your skills to bargain for a better deal. Otherwise you will find yourself kowtowing to them with all the gains going to them.
Being the first in your field, you will have first mover advantage – exploit this situation to win bigger gains. When others play by your rules, you win more.
Greater the risks you take, greater the returns that you get. Most people are scared to take big risks because they don’t want to fail and lose but if you think things through and take calculated risks on the path less travelled, you will go further than by sitting in the safe, conventional lane. So go out, be original, take a chance on what life has to offer and emerge victorious.

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