A first impression is very critical in any relationship.
We judge people within a few minutes or maybe seconds of seeing them. And we
stay with our initial evaluation of people even if they behave differently
later on. Research and experience have indicated that in our first meeting, we
try and gauge if the person is trustworthy – this is the most important aspect
of a relationship. We next try and gauge if he/she is competent and proficient.
And we do all this at first glance. Hence it is necessary to try and create a
favorable first impression. So how do we achieve this?
Firstly do not dominate the conversation. Let the other
person speak. Show that you are interested in the discussion – portray warmth
and acceptance. Non verbal communication is also important. Use body language,
facial expressions, hand movements, tone and volume of voice, eye
movements to give people a good idea of you as a person.
to what the other person is saying
When talking to people remember to switch off your mobile
(or put it in silent mode) and listen to what the other person is saying. It is
rude to talk on the phone or text when you are meeting someone for the first
time. Phone calls are distracting and throws conversation off balance. Attend
to them after the meeting, first meetings only happen once so create a good
impression then. Some amount of general, social chit-chat always helps the
conversation along and creates an easy environment to carry on the meeting.
Pay attention to the discussion and participate in a
relevant, intelligent manner. Do not be in such a hurry to say something that
you don’t listen to the other person’s conversation. This will make you say the
wrong thing and create a bad impression.
their views, opinions, thoughts
Do not interrupt them when they are talking. Let them
finish and then have your say. Do not try to complete their sentences or jump
in with your opinion whether you agree or disagree. Respect their views,
opinions, thoughts and listen to them.
If you know
who you are meeting, try and find out something about them - figure out what
they do, what job they are in – professional matters – so that you are prepared
for the meeting. It shows your interest and involvement and creates a good impression.
So do
remember, you only have one opportunity for creating a good first impression.
Make use of that opportunity wisely and impress people the right way.
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