Sunday, 17 July 2016

When we think and dream but do not act

Very often, we regret having passed by on some of our dreams. We feel sorry that we have held back out of fear and not done what we should have done. We think and we dream and then we do not act because we are worried about what the consequences will be, what will others think. And these become the obstacles in our path. If we want to bring about  change, we need to be the change ourselves. We cannot be passive, we have to execute our thoughts and dreams, we have to travel the path less travelled, we have to do unconventional things and work amid the chaotic juxtapositions of reality and expectations.
How do we do this? How do we do something out of the ordinary ? How do we achieve what others only dream of ? In my experience, these things have worked – try them out, to fulfil your dreams:
·         Experiment, broaden your activity base, try out new things. Even if you fail, you would have learnt something and that will help when you are out in the world.
·         Challenge yourself – Do something different, do something that challenges your abilities and skill. Get out of your comfort zone. People may criticize you but that is how you learn to do better. If you don’t push yourself, you will never know what you can really achieve. Break the monotony and get adventurous.
·         Never give up – Keep going, do not let difficulties and obstacles stop you. They may slow you down but will also show you new paths to travel. Cherish the process and have faith in yourself. You know there are better things round the corner so carry on regardless.
·         Increase your knowledge because that is what will give you an edge over others. Read, read and read some more. Learn from every possible source – it will help you interact with people, it will give you things you can talk about.
·         Give everything your best shot. Feed your dreams, not your demons. Life is tough but if you try your best, you can do a lot. Do the unexpected – it will bring rich dividends.
Dream big, work knowing what you can achieve and what you cannot. Do not let your weaknesses hold you back. Go beyond and achieve the impossible. Dreamers are in short supply – become one and change the world.

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