Tuesday, 12 July 2016

How we should act in future

Human beings learn many of their life lessons through experience – their own and that of others. What we do, what we think, how we respond to others, how others behave to us  – all these help us to know how we should act in future.
We have to make ourselves aware of the factors that have had an effect on our actions in the past and use these learnings to decide on our current actions. Zen philosophy advises us to experience every aspect of life as a beginner – that is treat every experience as a new one. However we should not reject or ignore our earlier experiences we should use them as our mentors, as the tools that help us act and react in the present; that assist us in our current decisions.
Power of our intelligence to understand and learn
We should use our mind and the power of our intelligence to understand and learn from past events in an objective manner. We should figure out why we act the way we do. We have to understand the reasons behind our actions, we have to think over the choices we made in different situations, and we have to see what we learnt from our past decisions.
If we make a poor decision, then we have to look at it and see how we can avoid making similar mistakes in future? We have to study things in a rational and logical way and use our past failures to guide us to do better in future.
Determination, ambition, drive
A business does well if you put in hard work, if you have determination, ambition, drive and an ability to  take risks. In addition to all these factors our past experiences also have a role to play in progressing the new business and moving it forward. Our past experiences, whether good or bad, can both give us valuable pointers on how to succeed in business and in life.
Be generous - share your learnings with others so that everyone can benefit from your experiences. Whatever you are today is the outcome of your total life experiences so far - your ideas, perceptions, opinions and what you have gone through. Learn from the past but do not hold on to it. Live in the now, take joy in it and use the lessons learnt to get ready to face the challenges you will meet in the future.

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